Friday, April 24, 2009

The llamas are starting to fit in

Bob turned the mom and daughter out with the sheep and they were just fine with the arrangement. 

Spot and the boy will later go with the miniature horse herd. They weren't as pleased...


  1. Arent they intersting animals? Whatcha going to do with their fiber?

  2. They really are fun critters, they notice everything.

    I imagine the fiber will go the same way as the Tunis this year... to the trash. They are pretty matted and came complete with cockleburrs and devils claws. We hope to get them sheared soon.

  3. You threw the tunis away??? Ahhh, thats too bad!

  4. Oh, it was a mess, lots of VM and since Bob and I had to shear them there were lots of second cuts too. I do still have the ram's because it was in the best shape. I had hoped to have a fleece to enter in the Wooster wool class... but not this year.
