Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The German Cat Show - Part Five

The Bavarian Cat Fanciers invited four U.S. judges to judge their Christmas 2008 show in Nurnberg. Henry and Eva Kellner are the nicest couple and I love to do their shows. They do a first rate job, presenting very organized and well attended shows three times a year.

The European format is quite different then we do here in the U.S. Judges must write critiques of each cat and then the show climaxes with a Best of the Best competition on the stage. I had a very lovely young lady who stewarded for me at the show. Darlyn was better at English then she thought. We were able to communicate quite well.

The four of us, Donna Madison, Ann Hoehn, Karen McInchak, and I narrowed the competition down until a beautiful torbie and white Maine Coon was chosen as Best of the Best both days.


  1. No, unfortunately, my photographer (Bob) left before the Maine Coon was awarded the Best of the Best. He and Charles had come on the train to watch for a little while.
