Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Christmas Ideas - Spread it out

Spread your celebrating out over the whole season. Why not begin your Christmas celebrating now! Or at least at the begining of December - that's Saturday! Then keep at it until Three King's Night on January 5th.

How about making an Advent calender to use all during December. Bob's grandmother made us one using a long felt strip with 24 Christmas trees on it for each day before Christmas. A red clothespin marks the days off and there is a Santa Claus at the end. It's really cute and we've had it since we've been married...a long time. "Gingaw" is making some again for the younger generation. I hope I'm as productive at 96 years old!

In Germany, many children put a boot, called Nikolaus-Stiefel, outside the front door on the night of December 5th. St. Nicholas fills the boot with gifts, and at the same time checks up on the children to see if they were good. If they were not, they will have a tree branch ("Rute") in their boots instead. St. Nicholas Day is the 6th of December (and that's Bob's birthday). I'll ask him to check his boots.

Plan to celebrate Jesus' birthday on Christmas Eve with a birthday cake. That's a nice idea, not that we need anymore sweets on the buffet though...

Spreading out the holiday spreads out the expense of celebrating, helps keep the focus on Christ and helps to avoid the big let-down that some people feel when Christmas is over. That would be me...

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