Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lambs vs. Landscaping

The lambs have been enjoying the nice spring weather and tender shoots of the plants.

Here is a photo of two sets of twins nibbling on a crape myrtle bush. That's Ruffles, Rick Rack, Raquel and Reba (l-r).

Luckily I found that the crape myrtles are non-poisonous. Unlike the oleandar bush I have to keep them away from. The lambs also love rose bushes. They keep ours pruned on the bottom.

I found a helpful and informative link about poisons to animals.


1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for your note on my blog, sorry the link flaked out!Here's another link to the article that references Tunis Sheep. It's in Wild Fiber's Magazine, called "Commander-in-Sheep."
    Hope you enjoy it!
