Saturday, June 23, 2007

Busy Weekend at Canaan

"The Land of Milk and Honey"

Our church, Canaan Baptist, is hosting the annual meeting this weekend for our division of the North American Baptist Conference. Canaan is a small country church near Crawford, Texas that was started by German settlers on October 25, 1891. My great-great-grandfather Engelbrecht was one of founding fathers.

Before the charter meeting, Rev. F.J. Gleiss was dining at the home of my GGGF and noted the abundance of milk and honey on the table and suggested that the church be called Canaan since the Bible refers to Canaan as the land flowing with milk and honey.

Today, we had a ladies' luncheon in the fellowship hall and decorated with the "Milk and Honey" theme. We used lots of yellow sunflowers and bees, and decorated with milk cans and bottles. A tasty salad and fruit plate was served followed by a delicious apple cobbler and ice cream. Yum!

You can visit our church's website at

On the way home this afternoon, I passed this pretty field of REAL sunflowers. The foreground of Indian Blankets and Horsemint added some more colors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I found your blog by accident and just thought I'd drop a post to say 'Hi'. I'm from London and it's a real culture shock to see how beautiful the area where you live is. Don't get many horse or sheep round London any more. Anyway every blessing to you and your family.
    PS You might like to show Debbie Brown the hints and tips for church websites at (hope that's helpful).
