Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sheep in the Sun

Truly the light is sweet, And it is pleasant for the eyes to behold the sun
[Ecclesiastics 11:7]

What beautiful weather we are having, praise the Lord! This was taken this week with our new little pocket digital camera. I took it "into" the sun with those redbud leaves hiding some of the brightness. I was able to get lots of red in the photo - oleander blooms, yucca blooms AND our redheaded sheep in the background.

Those are our registered Tunis ewes and lambs, really sweet sheep and the lambs are born a gorgeous Irish Setter red. Adults keep their red heads and legs and have fine, creamy wool. Bob has sheared our adult ewes so now we have some wool we don' t know what to do with.


  1. Hi, Debbie & Bob
    Looks like you're off to a good start with the blogging.
    One of my "other" hobbies I've started the last few years is hand spinning. I might be able to come up with a few suggestions as to what to do with that wool, even tho I haven't yet been able to process a fleece, due to lack of time up here.

  2. Thanks! The only thing I have done with the wool so far is some needle felting. I'm in awe of folks who handspin. Maybe one of the days I'll try that.
