Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mary's boy update

Look how fast Mary's colt is growing... Bob is already "riding" him. ;-)

A wooly dozen - the Tunis

The Tunis were loving the tender green grass today. Here's all twelve in one shot.

Freda and Xena

What a beautiful afternoon, Bob even started the lawnmower for me and I did my first mowing of the year!

The draft girls are now living happily together, here is a photo of them enjoying the sun.

Latest photo of Rylie

We got to see our little great-niece, Rylie, after church today. Isn't she precious? Looks a lot like her dad, Greg.

Second baby - a FILLY!

Another foal was born last night, this time it is a girl, thank you, Lord! She is beautiful! Her mother is named Unicorner Dusty Heather.

Yea! I'm back from ConExpo!

Well, it was a long, hard week but I survived. ConExpo only comes around every 3 years, luckily.
It has become the largest trade show in Las Vegas. Our booth was very busy early in the week, the traffic was lighter Friday.

I came down with a bad stomach bug on Tuesday night and dragged myself to the show on Wednesday. Luckily we were staying within walking distance (at the Riviera) because I was only able to stay an hour and had to go back to my room and stay in bed the next 24 hours. Hopefully what happened in Vegas will stay in Vegas, wouldn't want to wish that bug on anyone in Texas!

We left early Saturday and I was sure glad to get home and see the animals...and Bob. ;-)

Here is a photo of some of our group. Most of the French and Italian Manitou people had left by this time on Friday.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow Day!

Well, it snowed but we didn't get to stay home. Here are some photos I took on the way down the driveway.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Another baby at Unicorner - First foal of the year

Mary Jane had a little colt today, apparently during the thunderstorm that rolled through. He and mom are nice and cozy in the barn tonight. With the prediction of snow after midnight it is good that he came early.

Two little sweeties!

That's Rylie on the left and Avery on the right.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rylie is here! Another great-niece!

Rylie Parker was born at 7:49 a.m. Monday, the 3rd. She weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and is 20 inches long. Niece Randi and husband Greg are doing fine too.